Helping people meet Jesus on the canvas
of His creation!
Night of the Living Safari
October 14, 2023
Free Community Event

Join us for our drive-thru Safari
Fall Festival fund-raising event!

There will be fun fall activities such as the famous pumpkin toss, meet & greet with some costumed characters and animals, take your picture by our hay bales and pumpkin patch, enjoy some scarecrows and fall decor on our Safari Drive Thru, tune in to the Safari radio while you learn about some amazing animals as you drive thru the Safari park, finish with a goodie bag to take home.
Dress up and receive a free sticker or enter the costume contest!

Our Drive-thru Fall community event is co-hosted by
The North Georgia Safari Park
2912 Paradise Valley Rd.
Cleveland, GA 30528
This is a FREE event for us to be able to give back to our community.
Donations are appreciated but not required!
All proceeds benefit Creation Encounters' camps and programs!
*We will not be able to accommodate any early arrivals, as the NOGA Safari will be open for normal business prior to the start time.
A Little more about the event:
It’s that time of year again! One of my favorite community events in a plot twist kind of way.
Read Below! It’s important!
Here’s why we do it!
Main point:
Sharing Jesus on the canvas of his Creation
What the event is:
This event is co-hosted by Creation Encounters and Nogawild.
Our vision is we want to see every child and family have an opportunity to experience a loving, caring wildly passionate Jesus on the canvas of His Creation thru animals and people.
We don’t want any child or family to have to miss this experience due to financial strain and we believe God will use and always uses this event in the most unique and wildly mysterious way to remind people they are loved and cherished.
We do this by giving free access to the safari park and this year adding the festival part.
All people can experience joy, peace and love not only because they are surrounded by animals and nature but also by experiencing people who can lavish love on them thru smiles, candy, high 5s, waving and being silly along with game and animal time in the festival area .
Okay because I can’t help myself, here is more on the why we do it and why I am so passionate about Creation Encounters and the opportunities it provides.
Why this time of year and this event?
It is a wonderful reminder that God has given all of us the amazing gift of nature and living creatures whose complexity, simplicity paradox bring us a glimpse of a Creator who loves and is sovereign far above our comprehension which keeps scientists busy ;)
As each mystery is unraveled it just brings us more in awe of a Creator who went even farther than we can comprehend and gave Himself to death because he is wildly in love with us and giving up his own life that opened a door for us to have a love relationship with Him. This was finished when He conquered death and bore our sin so we may gain life with Him.
So while Halloween for many is spooky scary death stuff, for me, it’s a great time to add the best plot twist of all times and that’s a living loving Savior who pulls us out of death and gives us life.
The end .. and the beginning :)
-Hope, director & founder
What can you do:
Ready to impact even more lives? (You all do everyday )
We love volunteers
-This event is only possible thru the generous donations and the help of others-
Help us help others! Share this event. Bring someone if they need a ride!
Pray for this event! For the people coming, for the people helping, for God’s provision and protection, for ready hearts, for the animals, the weather…
Come! Share! Pray! Message me if you can volunteer